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In Focus of Magic: Leica Noctilux 75/1.25 with Autofocus at "Hamburg's Maskenzauber"

Leica Noctilux 75/1.25 with AF

You want to photograph portraits of people moving around using the (by design manually focused) Leica Noctilux 75mm f/1.25 ASPH with autofocus? Here is a solution!

The following shots are all taken wide open with the Noctilux 75/1.25 attached to a Sony A1 using the Techart Pro LM-EA9 autofocus adapter. As the lens weighs about 1 kg, it is too heavy to be moved by the AF adapter mechanics. But if you hold the camera with a grip attached to the lens, it can be easily moved by the adapter. In this way, a very high rate of perfectly focused images could be achieved even with moving subjects, which would have been almost impossible with a Leica M rangefinder camera for which the lens was originally designed. Enjoy the artists and their creations captured by a magic lens on Hamburg's Maskenzauber 2025!

(clicking on the image takes you to further resolutions)



Carnevale di Viareggio 2024

Carnevale di Viareggio 2024
Recorded with Sigma 85/1.4 DG DN Art on Sony A1

Italy 2024


Maskenzauber an der Alster 2024

Maskenzauber an der Alster (Hamburg) 2024 - Carnival Venetian Style.
Shot with Leica Noctilux 75mm f/1.25 on Sony A7RII and Sigma 85/1.4 DG DN Art on Sony A1
Find the albums at https://flickr.com/photos/hhackbarth/albums/72177720314376207 and https://flickr.com/photos/hhackbarth/albums/72177720314399436/


Multi-Drone Indoor Formation

Multi-Drone indoor formation performed with seven Tello EDU.


Sony A1 - What a Beast!

Sony Alpha One

When I saw the announcement of the camera in January 2021, I realized: This is THE ONE for me. For content creators in the imaging as well as in the video section, this is the first camera from Sony, putting everything together into one body. After two weeks using this beast, I decided to share some experiences that may go beyond the pervasive buzz about AF performance, shutter speed etc.

In this article I am focussing especially on the high resolution features for photography and videography as well as Eye-AF.

High Resolution Photography

When you shoot with good glass, the amout of detail and the reserves for cropping right from the new 50 megapixel sensor may be already more than enough for most situations, like you can see from this example taken with the Sony G 20mm f/1.8 at f/5.6:

(clicking on the image takes you to further resolutions)

Looking into a 1:1 crop (100%) gives you an impression on the level of detail:


"Best of" Maskenzauber and Venetian Carnival

Due to Corona pandemic, this year there will be no "Maskenzauber an der Alster" and no Venetian Carnival, so the only thing we can do is reminisce about "best of" photos of the last years.


ZEISS Ventum 2.8/21 - Full Frame, Light & Wide

Zeiss Ventum 2.8/21

Just arrived: Zeiss Ventum 21mm f/2.8.

An exclusive review can be found on our partner site at: http://kopterkraft.com/index.php/zeiss-ventum-21


Norway 2018

Norway 2018

Please click on the image for further impressions.

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